Thursday, November 27, 2008

Boy, am I pissed!!!

So, the other day my 16 yo daughter calls me at work and tells me that the brand new fence she and her dad and a couple neighbors helped put up this summer was broken and folded back. I told her that I would guess someone cut it, because it wouldn't get folded back by itself and wouldn't just break. Sure enough, she called me back and said indeed it was cut and not only that, but cut in two places! So my husband called the sheriff's who took the report but said they didn't think they would be able to do anything. We have two theories about it - some of us think it was hunters wanting to let the deer out that jumped in. The others of us think it was animal rights activists wanting to let the Jacob sheep out - who weren't even in there! In any case, we are pissed because we put a lot of money and time into it and now it has to be repaired.

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